Petsan HealthCare

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Organoplet (30 Tab.)

(1 customer review)

Platelet Booster & Body Energizer


-> potent platelet enhancer with energy booster therapy.
-> Increase better survivability chances.
-> Sustain platelet count in higher parasitic & systemic infection.
-> Electrolyte (Dex 25%, Na, K, Cl) Maintain proper V.Organ function (Brain, Kidney, liver… require more of instant energy at high fever).
-> Natural Fe. (ionic format) increases blood formation faster
-> Potent antioxidant.


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Adult dog: 2 tablets twice daily.
Puppy & Cat: 1 tablet twice daily.
Kitten: Half tablet twice daily.
Or, As recommended by veterinarians.

1 review for Organoplet (30 Tab.)

  1. Dr.Ravi gaurat (antop hill) mumbai

    Excellent result in blood protozoan infections to boost up platelets count.
    Comp.othr.products-organopush, hepaimune-c n Acd o care also having good results.

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